7.7 Mn GSM net-adds in Sep 2008
GSM operators reported combined subscriber net-adds of 7.7 MM in September versus 6.7 MM in August; we have assumed that RCOM’s GSM net-adds in September were the same (376,000) as in Aug. The GSM Mobile subscriber base stood at 233.67 mn at the end of Sept-2008. Bharti Airtel: 2.7 mn…
Virgin STD Call Prices Drop 50%.
Virgin Mobile, Franchisee of Tata Indicom has dropped the STD / NLD Tariffs by 50% to mere Rs 0.50 / minute. Virgin subscribers will be billed for the first 3 minutes of the STD call at Rs 1.5 / minute and after that all STD calls from the 4th minute…
Top 10 Internet Service Providers
TRAI, which is doing a good job but with little bit of inertness has published the Internet and Broadband subscriber numbers. At the end of June-2008, India had 11,160,000 million Dial-Up Internet subscribers and 4.38 million Broadband subscribers. The Top 10 Broadband service providers in India are as follows. BSNL…
Airtel Unified Billing + DTH – BSNl Madurai IPTV
Bharti Airtel Ltd said on Tuesday it would launch direct-to-home (DTH) satellite television services from Oct. 9, initially in 62 cities. Mr. Manoj Kohli said, The penetration of the market is just about 3 percent. We have just seven million DTH customers in the country. This is a right time…
Lower USO – Reliance + Bharti Airtel + BSNL to Benefit
The Government of India (DoT) has issued an amendment to the license terms with access (wireless and/or wireline) service providers wherein an operator’s annual contribution to the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF), currently pegged at 5% of adjusted gross revenues (AGR), will be lowered by 200 bps in each non-metro…
Google Chrome Ad on BillBoard – Courtesy Ramdev Baba
Internet Outsider, Henry Blodget thinks that Google’s Ad Revenues are slowing down and hence the company is considering advertising about its products outdoors / billboards in the US. However, the scenario Far East is completely different. Google is probably one of the most admired consumer brand names. Advertising agencies are…
Essel to Scale Siti Cable Internet Business
Essel group owned Siti Cable / Broadband now under Wire and Wirless India Ltd – WWIL [after business restructuring] has unveiled an ambitious expansion plan to ramp up its existing network infrastructure to serve Cable TV customers with Broadband internet as well. WWIL is targeting households and SMEs in all…
3G Policy Changes
3G licensing is a massive lobbying by Indian Foreign Telcos. There have been some changes to the original policy and the highlights are as stated below. [Italics – Old Policy] CDMA Players will now have to bid in the auction process for 3G spectrum [Earlier they were assured of spectrum…