Telenor Unitech Strategy for GSM Rollout
Telenor is essentially targeting the churn market (currently ~50% per annum) and is focusing more on the urban market. Management believes that the large portion of the price decline has been taken out of the India market and anticipates ARPU’s to remain largely stable. Reliance GSM is also looking forward…
Wireless Operators / Service Providers List
I decided to compile a lit of all the Mobile / Wireless Service providers in India. The technology they operate on, Service Areas and Joint Venture Partner if any is also mentioned. Bharti Airtel (GSM) Operates PAN India. Has investments from Singapore Telecom Reliance Communications – (GSM + CDMA) Crippled…
Interconnection usage charges – Risk assessment
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is reviewing the interconnection usage charges for telecom operators. As part of the ongoing consultation process, key telecom players recently presented their views to TRAI. We outline the contrarian stands of major telcos on key issues of termination and interconnect. Incumbent GSM operators [Airtel,…
Tata Indicom + Airtel Turn Hostile – Avoid
Bharti Airtel Broadband and Tata Indicom Broadband have turned hostile towards their broadband customers. They have silently introduced a cap on the Speed / Bandwidth that customers will enjoy under UNLIMITED Plans. Airtel fixes the maximum rate of data transfer to a much lower speed once you exhaust the permitted…
TRAI fixes contention ratio 1:50 and 1:30
Apex body Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued guidelines to the internet service providers (ISPs) and telecom operators to provide the minimum required broadband speed to their subscribers and fixed the contention ratio for broadband at home of 1:50 and for business at 1:30. What is Contention Ratio…
TRAI Recommendations for MVNO + DoT’s Acceptance
India long needed MVNOs. We had covered the benefits and need of MVNO in India few days ago. Lets look at what were the TRAIs recommendations that were accepted by the DoT for MVNOs in India. MNO = Wireless Operator = Mobile Network Operator. MNO should pay spectrum charges also…
Tata Communications Tier-3 data centre in EMEA Market
Tata Communications has launched London 2, a Tier-3 data centre that will provide a high-tech environment for supporting mission critical infrastructures. The 21,400 square feet (1,988 square meters) London 2 data centre having highly resilient, individually segregated, concurrently maintainable data halls, will be ready for service during the second quarter…
WebChutney Interactive Agency Infected by Malware
WebChutney which claims on its website as the India’s No 1 Digital Agency has been listed by Google as suspicious site and visiting the site may harm your computer. Google has an effort for the Web to filter Badware and Malware – StopBadware. Malicious persons have gotten so smart that…