Speed Post SMS Tracking Feature – Making Money
India Post which is here to serve the Public has taken a noble initiative by introducing SMS tracking interface for Speedposts. However, we register our objection to the premium SMS service which the Government undertaking has taken to serve the consumer as it will cost a whopping Rs 3 /…
TRAI Paper on – M&A + Licensing + Spectrum
TRAI has released a paper seeking industry’s views on the following issues, Licensing issues – Uniform license fee, extending license period to perpetuity, delinking license from spectrum, cap on number of operators per circle, cap on spectrum held by an operator Mergers & Acquisition – need to ease existing norms…
HCL Laptops with MTNL 3G Wireless Broadband
In a last attempt bid to push 3G Services which has failed to take-off in the hands of MTNL, the company has tied up with HCL Infosystems Ltd which retails laptops. Combined, HCL will bundle MTNL 3G HSDPA Wireless Broadband packages with its laptops so that customers can go online…
MBlaze EVDO Wireless Internet Delhi / NCR
Shyam Siestema TeleServices providers of MTS India Mobile Services on the CDMA platform have launched mobile services in Delhi Circle. Along with this, MTS has also launched MBlaze EVDO Wireless Broadband Internet Services. MBlaze is the 4th operator in Delhi / NCR to offer EVDO based Wireless Internet Service after…
Windows Smart Phone 6.5 Launched
MJicrosoft is running behind in the Fast Growing Mobile Handset market as well. However, the company has launched Windows Mobile 6.5, which will deliver new customer experiences through an improved, easy-to-use and customizable user interface and an enhanced browsing experience.Handsets Bundled with Windows Mobile – HTC Touch 2 Acer Be…
Tariff War – Disruption first + consolidation later
RCom’s move of introducing the simplest All India Voice tariff was no surprise to us. This rapid rebasing in pricing by an incumbent (as announced on Monday) will seriously affect and threaten smaller, regional and startup operators, perhaps shortening the period before which industry consolidation inevitably takes place. Price cuts…
Simply Reliance – Tariff Most Disruptive in Industry
In line with the management’s statement during the last quarter’s conference call, Reliance Communication is the company that has pioneered the launch of most innovative tariffs, the Wireless division just minutes ago informed about another round of disruptive tariff applicable across the board – CDMA, GSM and Pre / Post…
Telecom Tower Infra – State + Analysis
As Reliance Telecom Infrastructure readies itself for the IPO, here is the state and analysis of Telecom Tower Infrastructure in India. At the end of FY2009 [March], India had ~282,000 Telecom Towers serving 390 mn wireless customers. Tower operators bullish on growth prospects for new entrants, launch of next generation…