It’s not Yahoo! or MSN Messenger, but SMS is the most popular communication medium for Millions of Indians today. To cash in on the Mobile boom, all the GSM mobile service providers in India have come together to build a Mobile Instant Messaging Platform. This will enable all the mobile phone users to stay connected.
Mr Manoj Kohli, President, Bharti Airtel said,
We in Bharti Airtel are greatly excited about the potential for Mobile IM in India. We are working for an interconnect hub solution to ensure seamless IM interoperability between all mobile networks. Our common goal is to launch mobile IM in India by early 2007
Fon.Com Social Sharing of Wi-Fi Networks the WiFi Revolution has launched Fonera 2.0 router. You can already share some bandwidth with other Foneros and roam the world for free. Martin in the PR said,
it is a router that downloads your torrents, your files from RapidShare, Megaupload, and that uploads your videos to Youtube, your pictures to Facebook, Picasa, or Flickr all on its own. Fonera 2.0 do the file transfer while your PC does more important stuff, is turned off, or is away from home with you.
Foneros are not very popular in India and with the introduction of limited bandwidth broadband connection, users will get skeptical to share with others.